(if greyed out just click on a character and overwrite it with the same character). Step 9) rename “unencryptedsave_edited.sav” back to original name for example “Save0001.sav” then import it back into the advanced bit of Save Wizard, click Apply and you’re done. Original upload 18 September 2022 5:01PM. Step 8) after you have edited save open CMD back up and copy and paste “c:\\python27\python savefile.py – d encrytpedsave.sav unencryptedsave_edited.sav” and press enter. Borderlands 2 All Characters Save Set - All Platforms - Character Saves (legit/modded), Skin saves, Boost Save, Gundropper Saves. sav file, edit your save how you see fit. With Gibbeds Borderlands 2 Save Game editor, open up the save game file of the character that you would like to edit and make the following changes. Step 7) Now you have a new file in the “c:\BL2” folder called “encrytpedsave.sav” this will now open in Gibbed as an xbox. Step 6) Open CMD and type “cd \BL2” and press enter and then copy and paste “c:\\python27\python savefile.py unencryptedsave.sav encrytpedsave.sav” and press enter again. Step 5) Place the file into the folder you made in step 1 and rename it to “unencryptedsave.sav”. Step 4) Export raw save file from Save Wizard using the advanced option.

Step 3) Create a new folder on c:\ called BL2 so you have a folder like this “c:\BL2” now place the “savefile.py” here. For UVHM, set PlaythroughsCompleted to 2, and set LastPlaythroughNumber to 1.Step 1) Download the “SaveFile.py” found here “” Unlock True Vault Hunter Mode (TVHM) or Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode (UVHM)įor TVHM, go to the 'Raw' tab and set PlaythroughsCompleted to 1. Note that in True / Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, you can access the Bank near the start of the game at Claptrap's Place, Windshear Waste. Retrieving an SDU will unlock a weapon equip slot. Then, in the game, go to the Bank and retrieve the Weapon Equip Slot SDUs. Right-click the created item and then select 'Duplicate', to add a total of two SDUs (Storage Deck Upgrades to unlock the remaining locked two weapon equip slots).In Balance, select: GD_SDU_WeaponEquipSlot.In Type, select GD_StorageDeckUpgrade.A_Item.INV_SDU_WeaponEquipSlot (near the bottom of the list).Go to the 'Bank' tab, then click on the 'New Item' button.Alternatively, you can set your character to match another character's exact experience points by entering the other character's experience points in the 'Experience Points' field and then clicking on the 'Sync' button of the 'Experience Level' field. In the 'General' tab, type in the level you want the character to be in the 'Experience Level' field, and then click on the 'Sync' button of the 'Experience Points' field to automatically compute the appropriate experience points for that level. With Gibbed's Borderlands 2 Save Game editor, open up the save game file of the character that you would like to edit and make the following changes: Setting a character's level